The evolving demands of live service game audiences

The Magid Games team has seen trends rise and fall as technology and consumer behaviors change. Alongside our daily work helping our clients tackle specific questions, we have recently conducted proprietary research on the games industry to understand how games as a service have ultimately evolved into games as a relationship.

We’ve seen the increasingly popular model of live service games such as League of Legends, Fortnite and Minecraft trickle into other non-traditional service games. Our team's research has uncovered gems that will help the entire industry learn to navigate the games as a relationship model, from community, content, communication, conversion, and churn.

We’ll be releasing more in-depth videos with nuggets of knowledge every three weeks from each of those sections. The first in this series will be covering community where we’ll reveal information on how to get people into your games and keep them happily engaged. Sign up using the form on the right to get alerts when new videos are released.

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The Magid Games Team

When you find yourself at a crossroads moment with a tough decision ahead, we’re there to help give you the confidence to make the right choice. The Magid Games Team brings decades of video game industry experience to the forefront of our research. We’re passionate about this industry because we live it every day. The Games Team provides best in class research for video game developers, publishers, and companies looking to understand this industry. Through our secure gamer-focused research, we deliver leading insights at every stage of a game’s development cycle.